Sunday, September 01, 2013

The Cape comes home! Temporarily.

It's one of the treasures of Britain, kept securely in the British Museum. The Mold Cape is a Bronze Age artifact, which means it dates back to 1600-1900BC. It is one of the most amazing articles from that era. The sheer artistry alone boggles the mind. The artist  (and he must have been an artist) had no modern technology, only the simplest of tools.

It was found in the 19th century, by workmen excavating the Hill of the Elves just outside Mold. Originally it was thought to be a piece of horse-harness -- then a warrior's corselet -- the theory now is that it was a ritualcostume for a high-status woman. A priestess? A High Queen? No one knows.
Anyway, it's currently on display in the Wrexham Museum, until September 14th. Well worth a visit!