My Writing


I have had short stories published in :-
  • Don't Forget Your Spacesuit (Don't Go Near The Water - with Chris Power)
    Baen (July 1996) ISBN 0-671-87732-1
  • Gods of War
  • Infinite Celebrations
    Dreams Unlimited ISBN 1-892520-30-3
  • Heaven and Hell
    Speculation Press (NYP)


  • The Nettleflower - with Chris Power
Not currently available, Excerpt Available soon

Set in Welsh Marches in the middle of the eleventh century, Nettleflower is a story of romance, violence, and betrayal. Mourning the death of her betrothed, Reagan is set on a life within convent walls. Her harper thinks differently. Her neighbour, the thane Leofric, also would like her to change her mind...
  • Sunfire - with Chris Quinton.
(excerpt available PDF 30k) Available from and Four Star Rated! (previously called "Tribute Trail")
  • Sunfire and Shadows - with Chris Quinton.
The sequel to Sunfire.
(excerpt available PDF 8k) Available soon from and

Work in Preparation

Seasons Such As These - covering the Norman Conquest of Britain, this is the story of the guerilla campaign waged against the invader.
A Long Way From Home - set on a Caribbean Island (unnamed - like you can't guess!) this is a what might happen if that big hurricane threatened.
Under Siege - Set in Malta, Toni is tracing her roots, but finds herself tangled up with Luke - who is playing a dangerous game with drug barons and needs a cover..
Rakoszy's Pledge - It’s 19th century Cornwall, with storms and smugglers and a dangerously charming Hungarian nobleman. In the middle of it all is Alexandra.
The Trials of Chastity Evercreech - Set in the English Civil War, with a cast of Roundheads who aren't much fun and Cavaliers with long hair and lace... And then there's Chastity, who tries her best
Against the Tide - In Tampa, Florida, a dead vampire is discovered at a science fiction convention (where else?) New-minted detective Durant and Hunyadi investigate, discovering much more than they expect.

Unpublished works

God-Dancer - with Chris Power
Minoan Crete worshipped Poseidon and the Earth-Mother with the legendary Bull-Dance. Young men and women, taken in Tribute, were trained in teams for this deadly sport, which had fanatical adherents among the nobility. Laethryx is fated to become one of the greatest Leapers of his day - Alekton, the young nobleman, knows that fame has a price.

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