Sunday, July 28, 2013

Well. 10,000 words into AGAINST THE TIDE, (with Chris Quinton) which is a m/m cop/buddy/thriller set in Tampa. (Why Tampa? Well, I love Florida, and Tampa is a great city. Also I wanted to include the Keys -- Key West, if you didn't know, is the capital of the Conch Republic, and a Mecca for the Beautiful People of all three sexes and inclinations. If you ever get there, don't miss the Mallory Square Sunset Celebration!)
So -- 10,000 words. Trouble is, I don't write linearly. I write scenes and hope to stitch them together eventually. I'm ace at the bromance stuff, the relationship bits, and while I have a pretty good idea of the Plot, Plot isn't my strong point...

This is DH posing for me at the end of Interstate 1.


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