Friday, August 16, 2013

As Cats Protection supporters, we do a lot of fundraising. This includes street collections -- that that is what DH is going to be doing tomorrow. Dressed as a large white cat. I think we get sympathy money. Anyway, I won't be joining him -- my excuse is that my feet won't stand the standing, if you know what I mean. Well, I have just had a steroid shot into the Morton's Neuroma, and it's still sore. Really it is.

So I'm staying home and hopefully getting some more words down. 11000+ so far. Still a long way to go, but next week the Queen of Plots and I should be able to get our heads together and thrash out something more.... Watch this space!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Computer hate!!!

Hate it, HATE it when the damn thing crashes in the middle of something!

I was blogging about my current inability to write lineally. As in, start at the beginning, go on until you reach the end, then stop. I can't write that way, laudable and great though it may be. My brain doesn't work like that. Hey, even when I read I have been known to skip whole sections. My sad little brain is pigeon-holes, stuffed with ideas, scenes, phrases -- all sorts. When I write, I start clearing the interesting stuff out, discarding the fluff and droppings (I'm sticking with the pigeon analogy, see) and try to beat the bits into some shape. Eventually I have enough to string together into a narrative of sorts.

I'm not alone in this. One of my favourite writers, Diana Gabaldon, apparently does the same. So who am I to say she's wrong?

Hoping that next week I can flog the brain into working again...