Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Computer hate!!!

Hate it, HATE it when the damn thing crashes in the middle of something!

I was blogging about my current inability to write lineally. As in, start at the beginning, go on until you reach the end, then stop. I can't write that way, laudable and great though it may be. My brain doesn't work like that. Hey, even when I read I have been known to skip whole sections. My sad little brain is pigeon-holes, stuffed with ideas, scenes, phrases -- all sorts. When I write, I start clearing the interesting stuff out, discarding the fluff and droppings (I'm sticking with the pigeon analogy, see) and try to beat the bits into some shape. Eventually I have enough to string together into a narrative of sorts.

I'm not alone in this. One of my favourite writers, Diana Gabaldon, apparently does the same. So who am I to say she's wrong?

Hoping that next week I can flog the brain into working again...

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