Sunday, November 24, 2013

katz whiskers: Accidental Birding.I enjoy birding, but I'm not ...

katz whiskers: Accidental Birding.

I enjoy birding, but I'm not ...
: Accidental Birding. I enjoy birding, but I'm not a true birder -- certainly I'm not a twitcher (though I did stand in a Sarasota p...
Accidental Birding.

I enjoy birding, but I'm not a true birder -- certainly I'm not a twitcher (though I did stand in a Sarasota parking lot one evening last spring. Someone had seen a Tropical Kingbird there. And indeed it was there...) as I would not drop everything and travel miles in the hope of getting a sight of a rarity. Anyway, I have invented a form of birding that anyone can enjoy. That is Accidental Birding!
 How does it work? Well, you just go walking in a pleasant place and enjoy the exercise or whatever, and while out, you keep your eyes open. As a for-instance -- sitting having lunch at a beach cafe, we just happened to look out to sea, and there was a Common Loon! And just this morning we were taking a stroll in a nearby park -- and there were two Red-breasted Mergansers!
Now I don't claim that I identified these sightings -- but my birder husband did, and was suitably delighted.
A few years ago, after exhaustive expeditions to see an elusive Black Crowned Night Heron, and no success, we gave it up as bad job. Our holiday was nearly over, so we chose to take a boat trip. And -- you've guessed it -- on the dock was perched the aforesaid bird. Which promptly pooped and flapped off.
Accidental Birding at it's best!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What is this American obsession with CHEESE? No, that's not a joke. As a visitor to the lovely State of Florida, I like to eat out on occasion. And an idle perusal of restaurant menus reveals an unhealthy reliance on dairy.

 Not just the ubiquitous cheeseburger. They offer cheese on almost everything! Cheese on eggs. Cheese on chicken. Cheese on ham. On pasta. I haven't come across cheese on ice cream, but it can only be a matter of time.

Now I have nothing against cheese. A nice piece of Cheddar makes a great Ploughman's Lunch, or a satisfying sandwich. A dab of philly is great on crusty bread (and now I'm feeling hungry) but like many other delights, it needs to stay in it's rightful place. Like chocolate. Don't start me on that. I mean, chocolate-covered potato crisps? What mad gourmet thought that one up?

In one supermarket recently I spotted a good twenty varieties of cheese. Mostly imported -- the American varieties leave something to be desired -- cheese in a spray can? Cheese as plasticy squares? -- but really, who needs so many different varieties?

It's clearly a conspiracy. That shadowy entity the USDA are behind it. An attempt to get the American public addicted to cheese... Where will it end...?